Matt Wilson Photography
7 min readJun 1, 2020

Are you an artist? What qualifies a person to be an artist? When is it OK to start calling yourself an artist? These are questions that I’m sure every creative person has asked themselves at one point or another throughout their journey. I guess, like art, it’s subjective and it depends on how you define it right? Do you have to have a degree in art, exhibit your work in galleries, achieve awards, recognition and fame from the art establishment, make money from your art, wear a beret and talk shit or are you an artist through the simple act of creating? It’s a minefield really and a question I’ve contemplated myself many times… Am I an artist? But why do I or anyone creative for that matter even question it! Oh yeah, that’ll be that evil beast, Imposter Syndrome! ‘What’s that?’ I hear you ask! Well, we’ll go into all of that and I’ll share a few helpful tips on kicking its evil ass! But first, let’s try and define what an artist is!


So? How would you answer? Are you an artist? Am I an artist? It’s a hard question for a lot of creatives and one that I’ve been asking myself for 20+ years since leaving university and more recently before I decided to launch Creative Nowhere Land. But WHY is it such a hard question to answer? Probably because the definition of an artist is different for everyone. Let’s try and break it down a little…

